The All Seeing Eye of God (Smile You’re on Camera!)

Truth Minute – The All Seeing Eye of God (Smile You’re on Camera!)

I remember the words from an old reality TV show…”SMILE YOU’RE ON CANDID CAMERA!” which like today’s entertainment showed people in certain “compromised” situations that were humorous at best and embarrassing at worst. Those times are a far distant memory now and with the advancements of technology people are truly seeing through “Eyes of God” into peoples personal lives. Whether you realize it or not, everyone has a camera. Your character (whether good or bad) can be uploaded at the drop of a dime, go viral and destroy your career or reputation with swift consequences.

think about it, as of this year ALL phones have cameras and the devices are in the hands of the poorest and youngest among us and requires no education to execute the “ON” button. Further, all second hand phones are ending up over seas and will increase in quality as time progresses so those events will be recorded en-masse as well. Whats more startling is that people are unknowingly reflecting the nature of their creator who from the very beginning can see all things even in hidden places.

Hebrews 4:13 (NLT)
13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable.

Police brutality, recorded. #walterscott #ericgarner
Mistreatment of Tow Truck attendant, recorded. #brittmchenry
Murder and fights in the “hood”, recorded. #ghettostreetfights
Gossip about co-workers, recorded. #lookoveryourcubilce
Pornography and lust, recorded #sexualsins #sextapes
Narcissism and spousal abuse, recorded #kardashians #rayrice
Profanity and outbursts in walmart, recorded #someoneyouknow
FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TWITTER, recorded #yourightnow

No one is innocent, no one is good. No not one person on this planet. Cameras are everywhere and people are being judged like never before in the court of public opinion for what they do in their private lives and it will never stop. Whats more terrifying is that while humans can record the external, God records both the external and internal, meaning that the timeline of the thoughts and intentions of your heart are also recorded by God throughout your entire life.

All the evidence you could imagine will be against you in the “Kings Court” and if he judges you it will be a Hellish situation…but thank God for Jesus Christ who acquits those who are saved from all charges. He is the one who grants grace and mercy despite the “mountain of evidence” against you…he paid the price knowing whats on tape, he wants you to know that your bonds of guilt or shame have been released and you are free to go into Heavens Gates. Get saved for real. Get to know him for real. Glorify God in all that you do to the best of your ability and when you fall short go to HIM regardless of the offense…might as well be real, its all being recorded anyway.

~ Pastor Andre Martin

#massiveaccountability #videoevidenceeverywhere #thegreatcloudofwitnesses #willyoubethenextrealitytvcelebrity #lightscameraaction #divinetruthcc

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